Wednesday 23 September 2015

Mr B

Over the last couple of days there seems to have been an increase in the number of yellowish islands of sparing (spots) across my chest, neck and face.  They stand out against my deep pink/red skin

Sunday 20 September 2015

No change again

Not noticed any change this week. Here is a photo that shows some of the islands of sparing, the lighter spots about the size of a penny 

Sunday 13 September 2015

Not much to report, again

Another week with not much to report.  There were some fairly flakey days this week and a couple of not so flakey days. Although the big clear patches haven't come back I do seem to have quite a few islands of sparing (clear spots) on my stomach, each about the size of a penny. 

The other day when getting out of bed I noticed how my skin wrinkled and folded like old parchment. It's depressing that my body feels like it's gone from being in my 30s to my 80s. 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Brief update

Another brief update, brief because there isn't much to say. I think the skin might be slightly paler than last week.  I have been under lots if emotional stress over the last 6 weeks or so and I think this has made things worse, or at least stopped things improving.  
Second week of methotrexate and all good. I didn't get the side effect I got last week, which wasn't mentioned in the leaflet. Green poo.