Tuesday 31 March 2015

initial visit to dermatologist

Initial visit to dermatologist to said it was a rare condition called pityriasis rubra pilaris. A biopsy would be required to confirm. I would recieve in the post prescriptions for vitimins as well as appointment for biopsy.  Light treatment was also mentioned

Thursday 26 March 2015

Scalp update

Tablets helping with sleep, although sleep is still interupted by itchyness
still very itchy

Haircut has highlighted bald patch where initial itching/irritation was. also shows white/silvery patches on scalp
Spots/ blemishes calming down but still visible

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Another Doctors appointment

visit to Drs 
- Dr suggested I had pityriasis Rosea which would  naturally calm down.come to an end.
- prescribed the folowing:
  • Cetraben Emollient Cream 24 Mar 2015 Details
  • Ketoconazole 2% shampoo 24 Mar 2015 Details
  • Hydroxyzine 10mg tablets
Suggested the tablets would help with lack of sleep due to itching which was the main current concern

Also suggested constant use of emoliunt (Double base gel)

Friday 20 March 2015

Itching and sleep

 Itching so bad, not getting much sleep.  Welts, spots and arm rash have all died down.  Tight dry skin particularly around eyes

Currently using/taking

  • Anti fungal tablets
  • Nizoral every other day
  • Double base several times a day
  • Bath twice a day with  sea salt and e45 emollient bath oil
  • 1 a day antihistermene

Dry Face

skin extremely dry and itchy.Lots of dandruff, powdery skin on face,very dry skin on arms and hands.  

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Broken skin rash

very itchy during the night and in the morning I checked to mirror and saw lots of new (i think) red raised spots/blisters?  scalp is still very sore,itchy & senstitive.  If i scratch it soon feels very hot. Palms of hands very scaly. 

Monday 16 March 2015

Itchy Scalp

very itchy during the night and in the morning I checked to mirror and saw lots of new (i think) red raised spots/blisters?  scalp is still very sore,itchy & sensitive.  If i scratch it soon feels very hot. Palms of hands very scaly. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

3rd Doctors Visit

Went to Drs again on 11 March. By this time the rash changed from day to day.  Some days it was very dry & scaly other days it was very red.  As well as arranging dermatology appointment he perscribed different antifungal tablets(Itraconazole 100mg capsules) as well as doublebase gel (Emoliant) 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

'Sunburn' rash

over the next 2 weeks the red spots developed more across chest, arms & groin.  Also developed what appeared to be a separate rash, bright red, like sunburn and very itchy.  This was first noticed on thighs, then torso and arms.  It was soon more dominant than the red spots.  It covered most of arms and torso but there were gaps on the inside of the elbows. I had also developed very dry scaly hands