Tuesday 10 February 2015


This is a blog timeline of my story of having pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP).  Please note many of these posts have been added as blog posts retrospectively from my personal notes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kevin,I have just read your blogg which has been so imformative. I do hope your skin is now fully recovered as it has been a number of years now since you made the blog. My husband is sadly at the start of his journey with this dreadful rare skin disease and it is so helpful to read all the details and compare photos. We live in Nottingham and have been struggling to get a diagnosis I wonder if you could tell me who your dermatologist was as we obviously want to treat his condition correctly. I do hope you are enjoying your life free from PRP as this give us all hope.Look forward to hearing from you REgards Heather .
