Sunday 31 January 2016

nothing will keep us together

A year ago my other half was planning a holiday of a lifetime to Thailand for my 40th birthday.  The holiday never happened because of PRP. This week I moved out and our relationship of just under ten years, came to an end. The PRP wasn't the cause of the problems, but it made it a lot harder to try and fix things. So now I'm fat,forty and flakey...and living on my own for the first time in my life. Actually I'm not that flakey, the skin has definitely improved over recent months, but I'm almost expecting a bit of a relapse due to the stress of it all.  I hope I'm wrong.  

Sunday 10 January 2016

My eyes!!!

Yesterday I went to the Optitians to find out about getting laser treatment for my eyes.  I admit this is partly for vanity reasons but also because my glasses are constantly covered in a layer of emollient and flakes.  Because of my astigmatism, I was given a quote of between £3000-£3500 (ouch).  So then the Optitian had a proper look at my eyes and said I couldn't have the treatment now because my eyes were unusually dry.  This could be because of the PRP but more than likely it's due to the methotrexate.  Also because of the dryness of my eyes I would struggle to go back to contact lenses at the moment.  That's not even taking into account I have no idea how I'd put in contact lenses when my hands are constantly covered in grease and flakes.  So it stuck with the glasses for the moment. 

Saturday 9 January 2016

Feeling (relatively) good

I know I'm tempting fate by saying this, but this week I really noticed how much my skin has improved . I had a shower on Wednesday morning and didn't have to put cream on straight afterwards, ok I was a little itchy, but I survived.