Wednesday 23 March 2016

Between dermatologists

I’m reluctant to write this post as it may come across, especially to my foreign readers, as knocking the NHS.  I want to state for the record I think the NHS is a fantastic service, it is one of the best things about living in the UK and it needs to be defended and supported.
Now ive got that out of the way, the last time I saw my old dermatologist was Christmas Eve.  I then moved to Newcastle at the end of January and signed up with a new GP.  My GP said it may be about 3 months before I got to see a dermatologist and I got a letter on 11th February telling me I was on a waiting list and to phone back in 6 weeks’ time if I hadn’t heard anything.  So I phoned yesterday and was told it will probably be August before I get to see a dermatologist.  AUGUST!!!!
A couple of things to note:
  • -          I realise my skin is improving in leaps and bounds at the moment, and its not like I need the kind of support I needed this time last year
  • -          I know the NHS is stretched and these waiting lists exist for a good reason
  • -          But AUGUST!!!!!????

So I have been in touch with the following people to see if they can help:
  • -          My old dermatologist via his secretary
  • -          My GP surgery
  • -          The Dermatologist department at Newcastle RVI

If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know.

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