Sunday 10 April 2016

The story so far...

In preparation for tomorrow's visit to the hospital I have prepared a timeline of my story so far ( See below). Slightly worried about tomorrow since i found out I am not seeing a specific dermatologist, instead I am going to a psoriasis clinic and will see whoever is there at the time.  Will they understand i don't have psoriasis?  Will they know about PRP? Anyway here is my update

  • February 2015
    Initial symptoms; red spots under armpits moving onto chest
  • March 2015
    Light red ‘sunburn’ rash across body with dark red spots
    Skin peeling on palms and arms. Skin on face scaley/powery
    Scalp itchy and flakey. Silvery patches
    Whole body itchy leading to lack of sleep
  • 31 March 2015
    initial dermatologist visit & PRP Diagnosis
    Treatment: Hydroxyzine. antihistamine to help sleep
  • April 2015
    First noticed my body has completely stopped sweating
    ‘Field of flakes’ across arms
    Skin peeling on soles of feet
    Constant itchiness  & lack of sleep unbarable
    Treatment: daily hospital applications of emollients, Neotigason, UVB treatment & Hypnotherapy to help sleeping
  • May 2015
    Shedding all over
    Difficult maintaining temperature- Feels cold when others are warm
    Swollen feet and ankles
    Skin very red/bright pinky Skin around eyes very tight, pulling my eyelids down.  Eyes very dry
    Very tired
    Treatment: UVB stopped. Neotigason reduced.  Neoral started
  • June 2015
    No Change
  • July 2015
    Some island of sparing on torso, developing into a clear patch
    Very scaley face, scalp, arms, legs
    Sudden drops in energy levels
  • August 2015
    Daily hospital emollient treatment stops
    The clear patch of skin has gone.  Red all over again
    Splinter hemorrhages on fingernails
    Treatment:  6 x 2.5 mg of Methotrexate once a week, 5mg of Folic Acid 6 days a week,  20mg of Neotigason (acitretin) once a day
  • September 2015
    Several islands of sparing start to appear on torso
  • October 2015
    Reduced flakiness
  • November 2015
    More islands of sparing on torso and some on face
  • December 2015
    Feet start to sweat a little bit
    More islands of sparing
  • January 2016
    Flakiness reduced, More islands of sparing
  • February 2016
    Redness receded from my feet up to my stomach, skin is normal colour
    Islands of sparing across arms
  • March 2016
    Sweating has returned across most of my body
    Islands of sparing across torso have spread so the redness now appears as a web

1 comment:

  1. hello, my daughter was also diagnosed with prp, so I am worried. Our doctor said that it is a disease that will not go away for the rest of his life. I don't know if we can handle it. I hope your situation is good. I hope your disease has disappeared. We were diagnosed yesterday. According to you, what should I do, how should I be useful to my daughter.
