Monday, 11 April 2016

First visit to Newcastle RVI

Back from my hospital visit and it all went well.  I was concerned that I was going to a Severe Psoriasis clinic, as I don’t have Psoriasis, but they also deal with other conditions and the consultant who saw me (I think he was called Dr Phil Hampton) did seem to know about PRP.  I had more blood tests, I was prescribed more methotrexate and I’ve got another appointment there in six weeks’ time.  All good. 

The first person I saw today was a nurse who had to check various parts of my skin, so I had to strip to my underwear.  She then gave me one of those classy hospital gowns to wear while waiting for the consultant, as I was putting it on she told me how highly the hospital treated patient modesty/dignity. Just then the door onto a busyish corridor opened as another nurse walked in and said ‘sorry I thought this room was free’. It kind of ruined the whole patient modesty/dignity speech ;-) 

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