Wednesday 16 December 2015


Feet:  Not bad at all, often a little sweaty/clammy (this is a good thing).  Last week my soles were a little dry and dusty but they seem fine now
Legs: Red but not hugely dusty although there is always a layer of fine dust on the inside of my jeans
Chest & stomach. Red with lots of islands of sparing (clear spots). 
Upper chest, neck & Cheeks: Itchy patches of peeling flakes
Arms. Red with pealing flakes.  Big patches of peeling flakes across forearms. Also some islands of sparing
Face.  Red with Islands of sparing, particularly on forehead and spots under eyes.  Flaky skin on forehead.  Constant band of fine dust around eyes.  Although my face is generally dry, I sometimes get a clammy nose.  Eyebrows often seem full of tiny flakes.
Ears. Ears and around the ears, constantly itchy and flaky.  
Scalp.  Constantly full of flakes

Back: always itchy and flaky (from what I can see), particularly at the top near the shoulders. 

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