Saturday 27 February 2016

not much to say

Well life is still a bit messed up. A month after moving from Blackpool to Newcastle and so far living on my own isn’t as scary as I thought it would be. My life seems to be becoming more and more of a crap soap opera. But anyway this blog is about my skin so heres the update. Legs still looking good, face and scalp still flaky. Thats it.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Update- good and bad

Legs – looking really good.  With everything going on I hadn’t really noticed until now but my legs look pretty much back to normal.  They are back to their pastey white colour. Having said that they still don’t sweat, but a hell of a lot better than they were.

Stomach/chest – Still red which white islands of sparing.  Getting more of these islands, which is good.

Arms – Like the stomach, reddish with islands of sparing. Also there are various geometic lines all over my arms.

Face – I have noticed a lot of relatively big flakes falling from my forehead on to my nose or glasses.  They might be tiny to everyone else, but from my point of view each one is the size of a car. I am constantly wiping/cleaning my glasses.

Scalp – Itchy and full of flakes.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Year one

am not sure what day I first  noticed the itchy flakey scalp. I first went to the doctor on 16th Feb 2015, so i think my symptoms must have started around the 10th Feb. So that makes this the one year anniversary, more or less. 

It's not been the best year of my life. Having said that I will count my blessings. I have never been in a lot of pain with the Prp,  the skin on my feet never became so bad I couldn't walk and in general things are improving.   

Rather than reflect on the shittyness of the last year, let's have a general update.  My scalp has been very dry and flakey, and over the last couple of days I've noticed my face become a little more flakey, but other than that, no real change. 

I joined a gym recently and yesterday I did my first spin class in over five years.  It was knackering but, because of the Prp, I didn't sweat, which seemed particularly odd.