Saturday 15 August 2015

I want my life back

It's been an emotionally stressful week, and this has had a really bad effect on my skin. Here's the update;

Feet:  top of feet red, dry and dusty
Legs: shrinking patches of normal skin on the calfs.  The rest of the legs not flaking too much but red, dry and dusty
chest & stomach. The clear patches I had have gone.  The skin is redder than it has been in a while and there are constant flakes.
Arms. Flakey and scaly. 
Hands. Small spots of peeling/flaking on the palms.  Peeling between fingers
Face.  Requires emollient a few times a day to stop flaking
Scalp.  Constantly full of scales
Energy levels: low, which is worrying because they have been okay for months.
Mental state: it's really getting to me now.  The amount of dust I am creating every second of every day, the amount of cleaning, hoovering, changing of sheets and clothes that's required, the constant itching, the camping trips, holidays and spontaneous days out that haven't happened.  I hate it all and want my life back. 

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