Monday 12 October 2015

Other peoples blogs

A couple of quick things to mention, first I am very pleased to see someone new blogging about their experience of having this disease. The Pityriasis Chronicles is shaping up to be a great blog.

When I was first diagnosed with this condition I did lots and lots of research.  There was a fair amount of clinical information available as well as the facebook group and the PRP Support Group website.  I also wanted to read a blog of someone with the condition to give me an idea of day to day life as well as a picture of how it develops and affects someone over time.  The only really good blog I could find was .While this was great,  it was also slightly depressing because the last post was from 20 November 2013, Trevs Week 33 and included the line:
 "I’m fed up of this and I want it to stop."
After a couple of badgering comments on his blog I am very happy to report he has responded with an update
“I am well, very well in fact and had largely recovered from most of the conditions by Aug 2014, the only problem that persisted for another 8 months was an ingrowing toenail. 
I will add to the blog to provide a more complete picture over the next few days but just to give you a bit more hope, recovery was rapid and I'm sure it was largely because I was fit and in good health beforehand and keeping well hydrated and active as much as possible (cycling mainly) was the key to this, if you don't cycle then get out walking preferably in the light.”

This really did cheer me up, especially as I am about to head into my own week 33 and like Trev I am fed up of this and I want it to stop.  Trevs update has provided a little light at the end of this tunnel

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