Wednesday 11 November 2015

Am I getting any better?

Time to take a step back and ask if I'm getting any better?   Well I'm definitely past the really really bad phase that lasted until late July-ish. That was when I was waking up with a face covered in flakes and my limbs were constantly peeling. Since since then it's difficult to say. I went for a few weeks, going from July into August where I was getting a big patch of clear skin on my stomach. I also had a patch of clear skin on my left calf.  Since then the clear patch in my stomach has gone and the clear patch on my calf has shrunk.  Having said that I now have clear spots (islands of sparring) on my chest and a blotchy face made of clear spots. So am I getting better? I don't know, if I am it's not happening quick enough for my liking. 

Ps. Although I said my limbs are no longer constantly peeling, I do have flakey arm days, the pic below was taken this week 
PPS. And this close up of my tat. Was also from this week 

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