Tuesday 24 November 2015


There are a couple of things I didn’t mention in yesterday’s post because I didn’t think they were linked to the PRP.  Now I’m not so sure.   First I have a big old painful lump growing on my back.  It’s been there for months but it’s only the last few days that it’s become big and painful. It’s some kind of cyst which looks like it has become infected.  The doc said the cyst could be filled with all kinds of unpleasant things, including skin cells, which is when I thought it could be related to PRP.   Anyway it’s a week of antibiotics for me before going back to the Docs to see if they can do anything with it.   Over the last week I have also been really tired all the time.  Not sure if this is a something to do with the cyst or the PRP or the combined effect making me feel drained and worn down.   

It's not easy taking a selfie of a lump on your back 

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