Thursday 23 July 2015

Dermatologist update

Just seen the dermatologist for the first time in 6 weeks.   Generally all is good.  He is happy with the progress and the patches of good skin.  I told him I was happy that yesterday, after a long day at work and a 4 ½ hr train journey I had smelly feet.  I was happy about this because it suggested that my feet were sweating.  No part of my body has sweated since February.

So that was the good news.  There was bad news though.  The Neoral (Immunosuppressants) which seem to be making things better, can affect my kidney function.  For this reason I have to have bloods taken every 4 weeks.  The results show my kidney function is deteriorating.  Its not too bad at the moment but if it gets to a certain point I will have to stop taking the neural.   I’ll try not to worry too much about that for the moment. I’ll try. 

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