Saturday 4 July 2015


  • Skin shedding.  Fairly bad, getting worse towards the top half of my body, hot weather may be drying the skin and emollient?
  • Scalp. Flakey, itchy horrible 
  • hands. All good
  • feet. Generally good although my nails are a bit yellow and require scraping out. (Sorry, I hope you're not eating)
  • Eyes. Big mucusy mess, again I think the heat makes them worse
  • Itchiness. Not too bad although it can get worse if I'm out in the heat
  • Skin colour. Hmm, overall getting paler but day to day heat makes it darker
  • Islands of sparing. Growing across stomach and sides. Good news :-)
  • Weight loss. In the 4 1/2 months since this has started I have lost about a stone and a half (21 lbs). Impressive since I have been eating more and doing no exercise.  Definitely not a problem as I was, and still am overweight. 

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