Thursday 23 July 2015

Triggers & Bullet points

A couple of things to mention. First, I have already written a post listing some of the things which i think may trigger my bad days (alcohol, showers & baths). I've noticed a few more;

  • Stress
  • Air conditioning 
  • Sudden drops in temperature 

Obviously I could just be seeing patterns that aren't really there. Which means I may have given up alcohol under false pretences. 

Next thing to mention, just like Eskimos have 50 words for snow, I'm starting to build my own lexicon of shedding words;

  • Shedding: I've been using this to describe skin coming off in visable but small (about 5 mm or less) flakes. 
  • Dusting:  when it comes off as tiny spots of dust, less than 1mm
  • Peeling: when it appears to be a sheet of skin that is coming off my body and breaks off in relative big flakes (1 cm or more) 

Maybe I should look at the Eskimo dictionary and see how their flakes compare to mine 

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