Tuesday 26 May 2015

A bad end to the good holiday

After the great holiday things started to go wrong on the flight back when I was shedding quite a bit and my face was flakey especially around the eyes. I was feeling dehydrated and it was a while before I could get any water on the plane. I couldn't get at the little bit of cetreban I had left which was stored in my bag. Also my legs which had started swelling a few days befor were now really uncomfortable. 

When we landed I added some Emoliant as soon as I could. The drive back from the airport was difficult as I was now really tired, my legs were really sore and my night vision was a bit blurry. I got home and got straight to bed where I shuddered uncontrollably for some time. I can't explain what causes the shuddering. I think it's related to the tiredness. I did get to sleep but woke up at 4am scratching. After trying to control it and get back to sleep I gave up and got out of bed at 7. There was lots of skin tone n the bed and a lot more when I rubbed down in the bathroom. 

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