Tuesday 26 May 2015

A great weekend holiday

I was dreading this weekend as I was going on a weekend away with friends to Lisbon. It was booked before this skin thing started and I did consider cancelling, several times, including the day before we flew when I had a very itchy & flakey night. 

I had a great time.  So glad I went.  

Some things I was worried about:
 Sun. It was sunny all the time with temp around 30 degrees. I was very careful and kept covered as well as applying skin sensitive factor 50. Sun cream for sensitive skin stinks of vomit.  I didn't burn or blister. 

Heat sensitivity. I wasn't painfully hot in the day or shivering cold at night. 

Anyway here's a general update 
  • Skin shedding.  Some relatively good days and a couple of days where I have been crispy/ crunchy/ flakey. But ive definitely not shed as much as I usually do at home. The bed sheets haven't been as full of flakes as usual. The flight back however was bad. Flakes on a plane 
  • Scalp.  A few unpleasant flaky days. 
  • Palms of hands. Within 24 hrs of being on holiday the palms cleared to be really good, although by the 3rd day they were fairly peel-y again. 
  • feet. Had swollen and then calmed down before the holiday. By the 3rd day of the holiday they had swollen again making walking along the uneven cobbled streets quite uncomfortable. Soles of feet were peeling quite a bit one night. 
  • Eyes. My eyes were really irritating all weekend. Often drying out and full of goo. Also lots of flakey skin around the eyes and tight skin below the eyes. Glasses & sun glasses which seemed constantly covered in cream and/or flakes really didn't help. 
  • Itchiness. Minimal itching since being on holiday 
  • Tiredness. I didn't have as much energy as my friends & I had a couple of early nights but I wasn't too bad. 

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