Monday 4 May 2015

G-string or sock?

At the moment I am going into a local hospital everyday (except Sunday's and bank hols) to be covered in 50/50 paraffin emollient.  The first few days it was tops off, covered, top back on, then everything off below the waist with both hands self consciously covering my bits.

After a few days I relaxed and it seemed more practical to whip everything off with one hand covering what needed to be covered. Then after a week or so of this one of the nurses passed me an odd wrapped package which turned out to be disposable pants. Was I supposed to be wearing these all the time?  No one told me.  Oh well, disposable pants from now on.

I have also started light therapy.  Standing in an upright tanning booth every other day.  The only bits to be covered are my ....bits.  The nurse said I could get a g-string but just tucking everything into a dark sock should be okay.  So first time the sock method worked fine,  the second time just as the lights went on the sock fell off.  STOP!!! I shouted as I didn't know whether to replace the sock, cover myself with a hand, or just get a tan on the little fella.  Thankfully they stopped while I the sock was returned to its rightful place.  But now going forward I have to decide.  Do I find a sock with a tighter grip? Or do I go g-string shopping?

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