Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Cruelest Things

Here are some of the cruelest things about this disease, from my point of view;

When I was 19 my mother died of leukaemia, and ever since I have worn my mothers wedding ring on a necklace.  When I have been feeling down, for whatever reason, just holding the wedding ring has helped me.  Unfortunately my skin is now so sensitive I can't wear it any more.  Just when I need it most.

I have had to move into the spare bedroom as my shedding and itching means there is no way me and my other half can share a bed at the moment.

I have 2 holidays lined up this year, one is an annual long weekend away with a group of friends, and the other is a once in a lifetime fortnight in Thailand which my other have has been planning for over a year for my 40th birthday next month.  I haven't cancelled either holiday yet but the is a BIG question mark over both.

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