Sunday 14 June 2015

A step back? Or just a prp hangover?

Today hasn't been great, but before I explain what's happened I need to let you know some background which may, or may not be relevant. 
Yesterday was blackpool pride and I spent the afternoon/evening out drinking with friends. Not only was there booze,but there was also sun, not really sunny, but sunny enough and a lot of the day was outside.  I did cover myself in emollient before I 

So today the bed had lots of flakes in the morning. I put on my emolient as usual.  For some reason it didn't soak in as much as usual. A couple of hours later and it still felt as though the 50/50 paraffin emolient was just sitting on my skin. I also noticed my forehead felt quite hot. Later in the day I was out shopping and I suddenly got a bad stomach cramp. Without going into detail, I made it home in time. I then got a really intense flare up with big flakes as opposed to the fine flakes I have had recently. This went on for some time with me doing my best to shake and rub it off. After this I was drained and needed to go to bed for an hour.   I'm hoping/assuming all this is related to yesterday's activities. Time will tell. 

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