Saturday 27 June 2015

weekly update

I have said in a previous post that things a generally improving.  This is true, but it doesn't stop me having bad days.  As far as i can tell the following things cause 'bad days';

Alcohol, it looks like one night out leads to 3 or 4 bad days
Shower or bath.  I am having to limit my showers to one, very brief shower a week.  As soon as i get out the shower and pat myself dry, i put on loads of emollient, but that doesn't stop me flaking and itching for the rest of the day.

So with that in mind, and remembering that this week i went out drinking on Tuesday night and had a shower yesterday morning, here is my weekly update:
  • Skin shedding.  wasn't bad until my night out.  The following morning it got bad and stayed bad for the next few days.  At work i spent 40 mins one day just shaking the skin off me in the shower room.  Today has ben the first day since then that the flaking has calmed down, with some exceptions (see below)
  • Thighs.My thighs have started peeling, different to the flaking on the ret of my body
  • Scalp. My scalp, hair and forehead have been full of scabby flakes all week.  not too bad today though.  
  • hands. Not too bad, but flakey between the fingers
  • feet. All good
  • Eyes. Mucus, flakes, the usual. 
  • Itchiness. On Friday, after the shower, i was uncontrollably itchy all over.  It really was unbearable.    
  • Skin colour. Getting paler but dark red spots underneath.  
  • Belly. The nurse at the hospital the other day noticed that my belly was slightly enlaged on the right side.  unlikely to be anything to do with the PRP, but illkeep an eye on it and mention it to my GP when i see him next.
By the way, I havent been able to sweat since February.  Probably not a bad thing as I cant have daily showers at the moment.     

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