Wednesday 3 June 2015



From what I've learned about this disease, no two people have it the same, so my tips will be pretty much useless to anyone else, but that's not going to stop me.  

  • Get an NHS prescription prepayment certificate immediately.  For less than £30 you can have all your prescriptions paid for, for 3 months. The alternative will bankrupt you. 
  • Primark sell white long sleeve tshirts for £3.50. Get as many as you can. You will be wearing them all the time, day and night. Because you have to wear them when you are covered in grease, they won't last long. 
  • Rimless glasses?  Replace them. When you are completely covered in goo, your glasses will be too.
  • Get white underwear because seeing a pile of white dust in your black pants everytime you pull them down is depressing
  • Interdental toothbrushes are ideal for scraping out the dust that clogs up your phone which stops it charging
  • If you can not sleep because of the constant itching, try hypnotherapy. 
  • Remember, one day this will all be a bad memory
  • Get the best vacuum cleaner you can afford, you will be using it many times a day and night
  • When you use emollin spray, stand in the shower when you put it on, or your floor will get very slippy
  • A good quality nit comb can get flakes out of your hair, but you will need to do this every few hours
  • Drink lots of water
  • This disease can eat away at your personality.  You can become too tired to engage with people and when you do, you can end up only talking about your symptoms.  Try and find an outlet for own personality. I blog. 
  • Get to know the Facebook self help group, but keep control on what you want to share and what you want to keep to yourself. 
  • Remember, one day this will all be a bad memory (this is important which is why I'm saying it twice) 

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