Sunday 14 June 2015

Update, but not including today

I will give a separate update for today, this update covers the rest of the week
  • Skin shedding.  Fine dusty shedding. Not too bad through the night but there are flare ups ( see below)
  • Scalp. No better no worse
  • hands. Palms fine, back of hands scales and cuts easily.
  • feet. Soles fine, .tops of feet soft red skin
  • Eyes. Constantly full of mucus, flakes around eyes always there. 
  • Itchiness. Not too bad most of the time apart from the flare ups (see below)
  • Skin colour. The redness seems to be slightly less red than it has been. I think. 
  • Energy levels. For the first few months I was constantly tired all the time. My energy levels have been slowly returning. This week I have been working away from home, I had a couple of nights out and then I was out all Saturday with friends. I still don't have the same energy levels I had before this stared, but I'm getting there. 
  • Flare ups. Recently I have noticed more and more I am getting flare ups, a couple a day.  I get unbearably itchy and have to shake off as much shedding skin as I can, this can be a lot, and can take up to 30mins. I then add emollient 


  1. Ugh. I don't know what to say except, "I'm thinking of you". It SOUNDS like its getting a little better, is it???

  2. Yes it definitely seems to be improving/receding overall, slowly and with many bad days along the way, but it is improving. Thanks x
