Wednesday 24 June 2015

reverse or a new cycle?

Apart from sporadic downturns, i have generally been improving over the last few weeks, since i started on the neoral.  the flakes have become finer, and the red skin has generally become paler.  the paleness is patchy and i haven't yet got any 'islands of sparing'.  An island of sparing is a patch of healthy skin, its been well over a month since i had one of those.  Anyway as the skin  has become paler i have noticed dark red spots among the paler skin.  Also while most of my skin  has improved, my head and scalp have got worse.  my scalp is painful and i can see silver scabs underneath  my hair constantly has big flakes in it and it is thinning.  

The red spots and the scabby scalp were the earliest symptoms of this disease. so whats happening?  is the disease going in reverse or is this a new cycle overlapping with the end of the last? 

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